Inspiring Quotes


When you least expect it, something happens that makes you realize that God’s up to something. We serve an awesome God. —@Godstagram

If God answers your prayers, He is increasing your faith. If He doesn’t, He is training your patience. —@Godstagram

Prayer is not designed to change God; it is designed to change us. –Richard Blackaby (via @iamnotafan)

A concentrated mind and a sitting body make for better prayer than a kneeling body and a mind half asleep. —@CSLewisDaily

Good things come to those who pray. —@Godstagram

Have you asked God what you can do for Him today? Instead of giving God a list of what He can do for you today, ask what you can do for Him. —@JoyceMeyer


God does not make bad people, people make bad decisions. —@Godstagram

If I have a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the explanation is – I was made for another world. —@CSLewisDaily

Wisdom has two parts: 1. having a lot to say 2. not saying it. —@Godstagram

Which is worse: the pain of change or the pain of never changing? –-@JoyceMeyer

You know it’s a problem when you start rationalising it. —@greigski


If God takes someone out of your life he did it for a reason, stop looking back trying to put them back in it. —@Godstagram

God loves us too much to allow us to stay tied to anyone or anything that does not bring out the best in us. —@Godstagram

If you place your heart in God’s hand, He will place your heart in the hands of a worthy person. —@Godstagram

Don’t let one bad apple ruin the fruit of your relationship. —@NightlyNoodle

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