Friday Funny | May 2, 2014


A few today to prepare you for all the ‘May the fourth be with you’ jokes on Sunday.

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Friday Funny | April 4, 2014


Have a great weekend!

(Late) Friday Funny | 15 March 2014


On the other hand, I am the undisputed champion of our blinking contests. TAKE THAT DORA.

(Late) Friday Funny | 7 February 2014

This week’s theme is worship leaders. Can’t live with them, can’t sing without them.

*Samuel L Jackson voice* Don't make me make you sing it again.

*Samuel L Jackson voice* Don’t make me make you sing it again.


All that said, if you’re in the Vaal Triangle area on February the 23rd, why not pop by? You won’t be harmed. I mean, we’re Methodists.


Friday Funny | January 10 2014

Print this and fill out as needed.

Print this and fill out as needed.

A very belated Happy New Year’s from YMHM! I hope that this apology slip will help you repair the familial bridges scourged during the holiday period. Alternatively I suggest leaving everything behind: getting in your car and driving till the fuel runs out, then hitchhiking across a dry expanse of desert using a fake name, finding work in bars, getting into fights and generally being consumed by a trickery of nostalgia and regret… Or deleting people off Facebook. Whatever works for you.

I hope that your 2014 is good, but not so good that you worry that it’s too good to be true and all about to go horrendously wrong. Just good enough that next year might be even better.

Cheerio :)

Friday Funny | December 6, 2013


RIP Nelson Mandela

My thoughts and prayers are with former president Nelson Mandela’s family and friends. Very few people achieve legend status during their life times and few deserved it more. Tata, you were an inspiration in humility, humour, forgiveness, and strength, and we will miss you. May your final rest be peaceful.

Please spare our country, its citizens and its leaders a prayer today as we say goodbye to Madiba.

Friday Funny | November 22, 2013

How I feel


Have a great weekend!

Friday Funny | November 15, 2013


Have a great weekend sailors! :)