Reblog: The Acorn Underfoot: Christ as Feminist Leader

‘Following Christ’ requires concrete, specific action, not merely adherence to the tenets of a given religious organization.  Rosemary Radford Ruether declares that we must see Christ as a “liberator, not in the spiritual sense but in real terms in the political and social realm” (“Introductions” 33). His own ministry could be interpreted as a socio-political movement that Christians must continue in our own time. Leondard Swidler asserts that Jesus is a feminist, “a person who is in favor of, and promotes, the equality of women with men, who advocates and practices treating women primarily as human persons (as men are so treated) and willingly contravenes social customs in so acting” (17). I would like to take Swidler’s definition even further to assert that Jesus was a feminist, not only in his advocacy of women, but in his advocacy of the equality of all peoples. In this way, I argue that Christ embodies “Womanism” in his teachings and actions on earth.

The Acorn Underfoot: Christ as Feminist Leader.

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